Key Facts on U.S. Nonprofits and Foundations
Apr 22, 2023
The Key Facts on U.S. Nonprofits and Foundations is a first-ever publication combining the wisdom from Foundation Center's former Key Facts on U.S. Foundations report and GuideStar's former Nine Things You Might Not Know aboutU.S. Nonprofits. It offers at-a-glance information about the nonprofit sector. Where does nonprofit revenue come from? Is foundation giving growing? We answer these questions and more.
Measuring the State of Disaster Philanthropy 2023: Data to Drive Decisions
Center for Disaster Philanthropy;
Each year, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Candid (formerly Foundation Center and GuideStar) analyze global disaster-related funding from foundations, bilateral and multilateral donors, the U.S. federal government, corporations, and donations through through donor-advised funds and online platforms. We analyze this funding according to a taxonomy that classifies giving by type of disaster and disaster assistance strategy.
Philanthropic funding for disasters and humanitarian crises is situated within a large ecosystem of global aid. While assistance from governments far surpasses funding from foundations, institutional philanthropy still plays an important role. For example, foundations can choose to fill funding gaps and support underfunded areas of the disaster life cycle. Support for disaster risk reduction and preparedness can mitigate the impact of disasters, and many communities need sustained funding for the long road to recovery. We hope this analysis will aid donors in considering how to maximize the impact of their disaster-related giving.
Investing in Native Communities: Philanthropic Funding for Native American Communities and Causes
Sep 12, 2023
Native Americans in Philanthropy;
From 2002 to 2016, large U.S. foundations gave, on average, 0.4 percent of total annual funding to Native American communities and causes, although the Alaska Native and American Indian population represents 2 percent of the total U.S. population. This report provides the latest data on foundation funding for Native Americans, alongside important historical context that has contributed to the unique experiences and challenges Native Americans face today. The report also consolidates advice and feedback from philanthropic and Native leaders, who reflect on successful work and practices in partnering with Native organizations and communities.
Advancing Human Rights: 2016 Key Findings
Jul 16, 2023
Human Rights Funders Network;
The Advancing Human Rights initiative documents the landscape of foundation funding for human rights and track changes in its scale and priorities. This annual report uses grants data to map philanthropic support for specific human rights issues, funding strategies, and populations and regions served in 2016. In this year, 785 funders made over 23,000 grants totalling $2.8 billion for human rights.
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Oct 22, 2018
Foundation Center;
Hispanics in Philanthropy;
Seattle International Foundation;
This report examines grantmaking in 2014 and 2015 for Latin America by large U.S.foundations, with a closer look at philanthropy for Central America.
U.S. Foundation Funding for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Infrastructure, 2004-2015
Foundation Center;
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Deciding Together: Shifting Power and Resources Through Participatory Grantmaking
Oct 02, 2018
Foundation Center;
Funders are increasingly looking to engage the communities they serve in the grantmaking process, but there are few resources about how to do so. In this guide, we explore how funders can engage in participatory grantmaking and cede decision-making power about funding decisions to the very communities they aim to serve. Deciding Together: Shifting Power and Resources Through Participatory Grantmaking illustrates why and how funders around the world are engaging in this practice that is shifting traditional power dynamics in philanthropy. Created with input from a number of participatory grantmakers, the guide shares challenges, lessons learned, and best practices for engaging in inclusive grantmaking.
The State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations, 2011-2015
Aug 14, 2018
Foundation Center;
Council on Foundations;
The State of Global Grantmaking Giving by U.S. Foundations is the latest report in a decades-long collaboration between Foundation Center and The Council on Foundations and aims to help funders and civil society organizations better navigate the giving landscape as they work to effect change around the world. The analysis reveals that global giving by U.S. foundations increased by 29% from 2011 to 2015, reaching an all-time high of $9.3 billion in 2015. In addition to a detailed analysis of trends by issue area, geographic region, population group, and donor strategy, this analysis also relates these trends to key events and developments, including the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the spread of Ebola in West Africa, and the increasing legal restrictions faced by civil society in countries around the world.
Philanthropy for a safe, healthy, and just world
Jul 13, 2023
In 2023, Candid and Centris, with support from PeaceNexus Foundation, conducted a survey, Philanthropy for a Safe, Healthy, and Just World. The results, based on 823 civil society organization responses, reveal philanthropists can do better to support global peacebuilding efforts.
The world today continues to be shaken by armed conflicts, yet, according to research by Candid, peace-related grantmaking comprises less than 1 percent of all grants. Further, the study found that only 18 percent of survey respondents indicated that conflict transformation and peacebuilding were "very important" to their work; in fact, it ranked at the very bottom of the list. Still, 57 percent of respondents said that supporting resilience and stable societies—a key component of peacebuilding— is either important or central to their work. Moreover, it was more common for organizations to see their work through the lens of social justice or human rights than through the lens of peace, suggesting a broader understanding and acceptance of these frameworks compared to peace.
Advancing Human Rights Annual Review of Global Foundation Grantmaking: 2017 Key Findings
Jun 25, 2023
Human Rights Funders Network;
With limited resources and immense challenges, now more than ever human rights grantmakers and advocates are asking critical questions about the human rights funding landscape: Where is the money going? What are the gaps? Who is funding what? The Advancing Human Rights research tracks the evolving state of human rights philanthropy by collecting and analyzing grants data to equip funders and advocates to make more informed and effective decisions. Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) and Candid lead the research, in partnership with Ariadne–European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, and Prospera–International Network of Women's Funds.
In 2017, the research found that 849 foundations awarded 25,229 human rights grants totaling $3.2B to 13,819 recipients around the world, 28% of which was reported as flexible general support.
Community Leadership Assessment Tool
Mar 30, 2023
CF Insights;
The Community Leadership Assessment Tool is an instrument whose development was informed by conversations among community foundations who desired a structured mechanism to assess their community leadership activities and communicate the impact of their work beyond financial metrics. At the foundation-level, this tool is designed to inform practice. At the field level, results from this tool will be aggregated to provide a broader perspective on how foundations are engaging in community leadership efforts.
A Whole Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: What Philanthropy Can Learn from Complex Systems Theory
Mar 06, 2023
Guidestar by Candid;
Is philanthropy less than the sum of its parts? We know of countless examples of individual organizational excellence: nonprofits and foundations that achieve extraordinary impact on the great challenges of our time. But it is hard to avoid the haunting sense that all this good work does not add up. The efforts of individual organizations are fragmented and isolated. This fragmentation yields real challenges: inefficient fundraising, infrequent collaboration, and uneven learning. All told, it is difficult to articulate the impact of the whole of philanthropy. Over the last few decades a new science has emerged that wrestles with the questions of systems-level behavior. The philanthropic community can learn much from this work. This paper is an initial effort to connect the insights from complex systems science with nonprofits, foundations, and all those devoted to making a better world.
What Philanthropy Can Learn from the Financial Information Services Industry
Mar 06, 2023
Guidestar by Candid;
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What Philanthropy Can Learn from Healthcare Benchmarking
Feb 29, 2023
Guidestar by Candid;
Performance measurement is an important dilemma facing the philanthropic sector. Charities with similar missions may operate in parallel but lack shared, validated yardsticks with which to assess their social impact and efficiency. Other sectors facing similar needs have made notable strides in performance measurement. Healthcare, in particular, offers a useful analogy. Considerable recent progress in healthcare performance measurement invites emulation. This paper examines these developments and how the nonprofit sector can adapt them to benchmark performance.
What You Need to Know About Nonprofit Executive Compensation
Guidestar by Candid;
Donors, journalists, and members of Congress frequently express outrage at the salaries nonprofit CEOs receive, especially if they head nonprofits that receive donations from the public. Excessive compensation can also draw fire from the IRS. This paper outlines what the IRS permits in setting nonprofit executive compensation, the consequences of failing to comply with the regulations, how nonprofit board members can protect themselves and the organizations they serve, the kind of data compensation decisions should be based on, and the importance of reporting compensation accurately in annual IRS filings.
Highlights of IRS Form 990
Feb 29, 2023
Form 990, the reporting form larger nonprofits must file annually with the IRS, contains a wealth of information. It can be difficult to navigate, however. This paper reviews the parts of the form, identifies the fields people find most useful, and provides tips for deciphering the information in the 990.